Lavender Tallow Balm

from $13.97

Our moisturizers are made of grass-fed, grass-finished suet, organic jojoba oil, and organic essential oils. That’s it! These moisturizers are perfect for helping heal eczema, acne, dry skin, thin skin, wrinkles, and more!

Worried about the moisturizers clogging pores and making your skin greasy? Well, due to tallow’s compatibility with our skin, it absorbs quickly and will not leave a greasy effect. Also, tallow has a comedogenic rating of around 2 (out of 5), making it unlikely to clog pores.

P.S. You may want to check out some of our customer testimonials here.

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Our moisturizers are made of grass-fed, grass-finished suet, organic jojoba oil, and organic essential oils. That’s it! These moisturizers are perfect for helping heal eczema, acne, dry skin, thin skin, wrinkles, and more!

Worried about the moisturizers clogging pores and making your skin greasy? Well, due to tallow’s compatibility with our skin, it absorbs quickly and will not leave a greasy effect. Also, tallow has a comedogenic rating of around 2 (out of 5), making it unlikely to clog pores.

P.S. You may want to check out some of our customer testimonials here.

Our moisturizers are made of grass-fed, grass-finished suet, organic jojoba oil, and organic essential oils. That’s it! These moisturizers are perfect for helping heal eczema, acne, dry skin, thin skin, wrinkles, and more!

Worried about the moisturizers clogging pores and making your skin greasy? Well, due to tallow’s compatibility with our skin, it absorbs quickly and will not leave a greasy effect. Also, tallow has a comedogenic rating of around 2 (out of 5), making it unlikely to clog pores.

P.S. You may want to check out some of our customer testimonials here.

Want to know why tallow is great for acne, eczema, psoriasis, wrinkles, etc? Here’s The breakdown ↓

Acne - If you have acne, chances are your skin is also pretty fragile. Tallow contains vitamins and omega fatty acids that are beneficial for strengthening skin.

Wrinkles - Tallow can leave skin feeling plum and filled, and is beneficial for filling out crow’s feet wrinkles, etc.

Eczema - People who suffer from eczema often have a weakened skin barrier. Just like for acne, the omega fatty acids and vitamins in tallow help strengthen and heal the skin. Tallow moisturizer is also on of the most deeply moisturizing lotions out there, and can provide those with eczema the relief they need.

Thin skin - Just like for acne and eczema, the omega fatty acids, vitamins, and oil base of tallow can help strengthen the skin barrier.

Dry skin - Do you want to know why Tallow is more deeply moisturizing than other lotions out there? Because it is oil-based! Water-based moisturizers can provide temporary relief, but oil-based moisturizers will moisturize deeper. Another reason to avoid water-based moisturizers is because water-based moisturizers are susceptible to mold and bacteria growth. How do water-based skincare companies deal with this? Well, they add preservatives like parabens, phthalates, and more. Oils, on the other hand, play by a different set of rules. They are shelf-stable and have no need for preservatives.

Don’t know what scent to choose? No worries! Here is the breakdown: ↓

Lavender - The popular one! Lavender has anti-inflammatory, calming, and soothing properties — in addition to smelling wonderful!

Unscented - Perfect for those whose skin cannot tolerate essential oils, infants, men, or those who do not like scents. Heads up though, because tallow is not an ultraprocess product sometimes there can be a slight earthy smell.

Orange - The perfect light citrus smell! Orange essential oil is known for its ability to lift moods and reduce pain, as well as its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tea Tree - Tea Tree is one of the best essential oils as far as benefits go. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties—making it an excellent choice for reducing acne!

Have any more questions or concerns about using tallow? Feel free to contact me!

Tea Tree Tallow Balm
from $13.97
Unscented Tallow Balm
from $13.97
Orange Tallow Balm
from $13.97